Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Serious Relationships - Part II

So, to recap.  I have a husband.  He's nice.  More about him later.

We are still learning about Leslie.

We refer to each other as Hetero-Lifemates.  If you are familiar with Jay and Silent Bob then this isn't the first time you have heard this reference.  If you are not familiar with Jay and Silent Bob then you have some movies to watch.

We know Leslie loves my evil sense of humor from Serious Relationships - Part I.  It entertains her.  This is one of the main foundations of any Serious Relationship.  Entertainment.

Another key foundation that I find to be crucial to any relationship is a balanced mix of common interests and differing interests.   

You may be saying, "Hey, those are opposites, Silly!"

I respond, "Shuddup, they are what I tell you they are and you'll like it!"

Balance is the key.  "There is that better?"

Leslie and I both enjoy reading.  We do not however have a very similar palate when it comes to genre.

I read an eclectic mix of fiction and nonfiction.  Some favorites of mine include Stiff:  The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers, Ender's Game, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, and The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks.

Leslie likes romance.

We do however unite in a common love of Harry Potter and The Hunger Games.

**Side note:  If you have not read the Hunger Games trilogy, stop whatever you are doing and read them right now.


Back to the subject at hand.**

We do not agree on Twilight.  She likes Edward.  While anyone who has any sense can see that Jacob is the better choice.


But, I diverge.

This shared yet completely different taste in books is mirrored in our respective movie choices.  I seek out the strange, the different, the odd.  A brief selection of my wilder favorites...

1.  Whole - A documentary on people who want to be amputees.  Fascinating and intriguing. Disturbing yet compelling.

2.  Freaks - A horror flick from the 1930's that employed actual circus freaks as their cast. I mean, come on!
3.  The Triplets of Belleville - It's French.  It's animated.  There is little to no dialogue.  I love it.

Leslie likes romance.

We again agree that Harry Potter is amazing.  We both like America's Sweethearts.   She loves the Twilight movies, and I love making fun of them.  I like zombie movies.  She physically abuses me if I make her watch anything remotely scary.  No, really.  When she gets scared she smacks my leg repeatedly.  It is painful.

Other strange mixes in our personalities and preferences that work in sometimes strange ways follow.

I enjoy being knocked down while roller skating.  Leslie enjoys watching me get knocked down while roller skating.

I enjoy cooking.  Leslie enjoys telling me to cook for her.

I enjoy drinking wine, margaritas, and whiskey.  Leslie enjoys drinking wine, margaritas, and beer.

I enjoy fishing.  Leslie enjoys parts of fishing.  She will bait her hook, but I have to deal with any actual fish that may bite said bait.  I enjoy the conversations she has with the bait while she saws it in half with an old bottle cap and threads it onto her hook.

I can sew.  Leslie likes homemade gifts.  She even liked the pillowcase I made to commemorate her seizure.  (More on that later, too.)

I have a dark sense of humor.  Leslie gets my jokes.

1 comment:

  1. To say Leslie loves romance does not adequately portray her interests. I want to clarify so no one gets the wrong idea. There are no grocery store romances in Leslie's bookcase,at least not that I have seen. Leslie LOVES Jane Austin...specifically Pride and Prejudice (PBS, Colin Firth version), Shakespeare, Wuthering Heights. I am very happy to hear that as her older sister.
    As evidence of this, she has been diligently trying to get her oldest niece to falling love with one of Leslie's favorite's, Little Women. Unfortunately for Leslie (and me) it is not going well. Hopefully it is the folly of youth, but Leslie is not giving up.
    So no dime store romance novels for her....only the "good" stuff. :)
