As I have mentioned in my title, pregnancy is so weird. First of all, the fact that you can't tell for quite some time that you are pregnant has always seemed crazy to me. It's my body. I live in it. I should be able to tell when there is a new resident.
I had no real idea that I was pregnant until that little plus mark appeared before my very eyes. I had no morning sickness and my boobs usually got tender around that "time of the month."
**Disclaimer: If you are not comfortable with boob talk, you should just leave this blog now. It is only the beginning.
Since I have the disclaimer out of the way, the second weird thing I have noticed about pregnancy is all of the changes that happen to the pregnant body. Like, immediately. I was aware that there were a lot of major changes heading my way when that plus sign flashed onto the pee-stick. Heck, some had snuck in on me under the disguise of PMS. I was not aware how many crazy things would be kick-started by the tidal wave of hormones flooding my system.
You may have noticed that there have not been many blog posts for quite some time. Yeah. It seems you need to be awake to type. Weird. Also, I actually do put some thought into these silly posts. Again, thinking (logically) requires one to be awake.
I find myself in the relatively blissful second trimester. Apparently, this is the "good" trimester. You know, the one in which I won't be too tired. The one in which I won't feel nauseous. The one in which I will have a tiny amount of extra energy with which I will apparently clean, knit booties, and shop for tiny clothes. Oh, and BIG clothes.
I have officially declared that my pants no longer fit. The public announcement that my bras no longer fit was lost in the haze of the first trimester. The second announcement that my bras no longer fit was also lost in that same haze. Yes, folks, that's right. I no longer have the boobs of an Olsen twin. I never really thought I would have bigger jugs. I never really wanted them. I now have them. I now want them to go the hell away. And here's where the sharing will go over the top for some. I really hate that I have "underboob" now. I also hate that even my new "C" cup seems restricting and binding. I refuse to even attempt to fill a "D." Ok, that wasn't too horrible. Trust me, I've read other's blogs. That was nothing.
Accurate representation of how I feel. |
I will say I have been lucky. I haven't had any morning sickness to speak of. I haven't had any since I switched from the prenatal vitamins to the chewable children's gummi vitamins. (By the way, those gummi vitamins are fricking delicious.) I have only gained about 6 far.
I haven't been especially hungry. I can't say I've turned down many meals. I really haven't had any strange cravings. I eat weird stuff on a normal, non-pregnant day.
We find out what the little sucker is on March 5th.
We haven't settled on any names. Feel free to make suggestions. I will feel free to ignore those suggestions and laugh in your face.
If you are reading this, I probably wouldn't have a problem with you checking out the bump. By the way, it is starting to be a bump. But, can you have everyone else in the world keep from molesting my belly for the next 5 months.
Other random weird pregnancy things in list form
trans-vaginal sonogram
natural birth
...And those are just the ones that I am not ashamed to write out for you.