Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Serious Relationships - Part III

Let's review.

We have learned in Serious Relationships - Part I and Serious Relationships - Part II that I have a husband.  He is nice.  Here he is again.

We also have learned that I have a Hetero-Lifemate.  Leslie.

I credit her for teaching me how to be in a Serious Relationship.  Before we lived together, I was pretty ruthless with my dating standards.

Now, I'm not saying I was dumping amazing guys.  I wasn't.  I was giving up pretty easily at the first sign of anything that might annoy me.

Leslie and I were good at annoying each other.  I don't think that anyone who has a roommate can honestly say that they have never been pissed off at said roomie.  Usually, dealing with the issue is easier than breaking a lease.

I can't remember any epic fights.  That is not in my passive-aggressive nature.  I can however list a few minor incidents that allegedly occurred while we were roommates.

I may or may not have seen and ignored a giant moth flying in Leslie's room at bedtime that later attacked her face in the middle of the night.  Have I mentioned that she dislikes moths.

I may or may not have bailed on her with a boy she was interested in at the time.  In my defense, she had not shared that she was interested.  Also, I was not interested in him, we just got carried away at a party and did not join her as we were supposed to do.   She was not amused at the ridiculous state we were in.

She may or may not have bit my calf after drinking Mass Quantities of delicious wine in an All-Out Roommate Wrestling Rumble.   This bruise may or may not have been the worst and longest lasting bruise I have had yet to date.

I may or may not have teased her incessantly about her one-time seizure.  By the way, she totally got over this. ...  Eventually.  Ask her about the college paper she wrote about the experience. 

We weren't always besties in the early days.  We did figure it out in fine fashion.

I realized by living with Leslie for three years that you can get mad at someone and still be friends with them and still love them the next day.  That was a big "A-ha!" moment for me.

I am sure at some point I would have figured this out by dating, but if I hadn't figured it out with Leslie when I did I may not have given this guy a proper chance.

So, Leslie, it is all your fault that I am married!

Also, thank you for being my Hetero-Lifemate.  I always have a blast when we are together.  I love that you get my sense of humor and accept me and my robot ways. 

Also, I miss your face.  I still have a spare room that is yours whenever you want to come be my maid for the amazing salary of $5/week.

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